I swear - I’m on social networks like all day, every day, to the point of obsession where I am always touching
my phone every few minutes, never missing any post from anyone, even catching
up to posts I last saw AND I FREAKING HATE IT.
Why am I like this? Are you this way too? Always in the know, never
disconnected. It’s obsessive, wasteful and it’s exhausting. I guess there is a
sense of ego involved - knowing things before everyone else, seeing breaking
news as it happens, consuming the newest of new information all at your
fingertips, always updated. Then there's also that feeling of pseudo-connection
where you feel like one less lonely person by distracting yourself with all
these social networks to help you forget that you don't have a cute boy to text…
(kidding! kind of). I don’t know how healthy this is (probably not at all), but
I think that it’s a major underlying reason why we use social networks as
active, feeling, human beings. That
feeling of being a-part-of, of being connected. Only, the irony is that this is
not actual human connection. It’s a bubble of mind-trickery and instant
gratification. I want friend requests, likes, retweets and DMs in real life,
Oh, this sweet, modern world we live in!
Using social networks is a major love/hate relationship for me but without it I don't know what I'd do with myself! They are my little friends throughout the day, my company, my escape. This, however, doesn’t stop me from complaining about them, just like I do about my real friends!
Facebook :
The Original. I like Facebook because you get a lot of different kinds of
information on it – people’s private life stuff/constructions,
pictures, videos, articles, links, game scores. Yaaaay-ish!
But, Facebook to me is like going to a Joburg fete. It’s the place you go when there are absolutely no other fun things happening in the city and where you going to bump in to a lot of annoying teenagers, old classmates, aunties/uncles and randoms - just people who don't interest you and whose lives you don't want necessarily want to know about. Nor do you want them to know too much about yours.
Facebook to me these days is so random and so communal - it’s the last place I go to post anything because I just feel that’s it’s a very public and open space to share things with people that are not necessarily my closest friends. I mean I use social networks but I also don't want people I never see or hang out with all up in my bizznizz. Having said that, I feel more in control over the people I share things with on other social networks, mostly because those are newer and have a more updated version of people that are in my life. Also, I’m too lazy to go and remove every acquaintance on my long list of Facebook friends when I have other alternatives to use, you know? Facebook a place for the spreading of mass information like, “Oh hey, I’m moving to another country”, rather than day-to-day events “Yo! I saw this pretty sunset I saw today!”
I must just say that in my experience the people who use Facebook as their
primary social network are not usually the most cutting edge or interesting
people, with the most fascinating or thought-provoking stuff to say/share, thus
dulling my experience even more. Shame Facebook, I BEEN over you.

I have obviously come to
realize that Twitter is the wrong platform for these inspired brain farts and
opinions on life. But it is a lovely, sticky web for the laziness of thinking
and dealing with life, and also for the fear of writing. Two problems I have
literally just discovered I have! Haha! And meh.
Let me not even try to deny it - I love Instagram. It is the most stimulating
social network to me. Statuses and information aka hashtags/description and
pictures, both of which usually tend to be of a higher quality - literally and
figuratively. It’s the best of both worlds. It’s streamlined, with a focus of higher
quality content than any other social networks and I think it’s pushing us in a
strong direction in terms of technology, dissemination of information, our
individual use of creativity and overall higher standards on the internet. I
like it.

It’s a complicated and modern world we live in. When there wasn’t Instagram,
there were polaroids. When there was no Facebook, there were letters and phone
calls. When there was no Twitter, there were more public outbursts, I’m sure. These forms way of communication and expressions
have always existed in some shape or form (So, stop blaming the demise of moral
society on Facebook, old people). I guess it’s how we navigate through it all
that makes the difference. I could never understand people who never ever had
Facebook or don’t use any social networks, and I probably still don’t, but I do
envy the peace that they have every day. Me, personally, I am going to try and focus on
being more present and patient in all moments and maybe chatting up a stranger
in the parking lot, or writing with a pen and paper more. Hey, maybe I’ll even
scream at the top of my lungs with delight or annoyance in the grocery store. But first, I gotta update all
my statuses with this blog post. The blasted irony.
Let me know how you feel about this too!
Nafeesa x
P.S Just thought of posting blog posts to people. Like actually in the
post. It can be the new blogging!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No? Ok bye.
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