The Rebel and The Urban Edge-ness

We wanna talk about shit, we’re not normal, we’re not boring. We’re diverse people with diverse interests and opinions. Some will think we’re not focused or don’t fit into any box they can check off in their reading lists…fuck you and your reading list…this is us…if you wanna read us then read on.

If you don’t comment on this post or tweet us about it, or write on our facebook walls, or facebook message us or bbm us or hit us up on whatsapp or an sms or a phonecall, we will fuck your shit up. Wholesale. That means your mom too. Holla back, have an opinion.



  1. this is what happens when my friends get high :P
    being a rebel is an act of trying to break free...
    but in the end, the chains that hold you back
    are your own !
    (PS their use of language should be taken lightly...if you know them you will love them instantly)
    OH PS again....well not totally love them...coz then maybe you may turn into a freak that case...we still love you!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ha you guys are awesome, a little unhinged... but awesome notheless ^_^
