Monday, 28 May 2012


Lots of kids take drugs. Some take it cause they want to try it out, it’s something new, it’s an experiment. Some take them to rebel, they don’t know anything about drugs other than that they’re bad so they take them to be bad, possibly get caught and get attention but more likely just for the thrill.

But there are others, smart others, well-informed others and they take drugs because they genuinely want to. They know that drugs have consequences good and bad, and have decided that the good outweighs the bad for their current context so they take them. Drugs either heighten an experience or take away some misery. A lot of people take drugs to take away misery. I’ve seen campaigns against drugs, but none against misery.

Fuck your miserable life, get a better one. I believe in this "it's all in your mindset/outlook" crap, I really do. So get out of your miserable mindset preferably without drugs cause the bad consequences are bad. Mix up your routine, try exercise, make something, write something, get into a fight, make a friend, ignore some big problem facing you but decide that this change is going to make you less miserable and if you believe it, it will be true - it's not false just sounds stupid.

And do what you can to make other people happy, all the time. If there's a gap in someone's life, a massive, gaping gap of misery and you don't fill it you're a bad person.

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